Kinda had a feeling the reviews were fake
It had really great ratings so I figured Id give it a try. However, after giving it a whirl and seeing how lame it was, I figured id check the reviews a little deeper because there was NO WAY this thing got 5 star average from that many people, and sure enough, if you click on the “All Reviews by This User’ for pretty much every user, they either have just the one review (on this app) or a few reviews for apps made by the same company.
So Ill just say, id probably have given this app 2 stars since I just dont like it, I remove an extra star down to one for the lame practice of posting fake reviews and therefore wasting people’s time.
Ok…now with that being said,….although it is slightly useful in a VERY circumstancial way, id say in no way does it become useful enough to add to your list of apps, nor would I expect REAL people downloading this would like and find it useful enough to give it 5 stars.
The good:
its free
you can sign into you account
you can watch youtube
The bad
you can watch youtube…..ONLY…cannot do anything else while it is playing or the video will minimize back to the dock with the audio still playing
if pausing an advertisement accidentally, you cant restart it. you have to research the video and restart again
no resizing
no always on top
fake reviews
no settings at all really (unlss you pay for premium)…this is basically an upsell, because the free version is pretty lame
I downloaded another app called TubeTab and it works much better for my needs. Can always be on top and play, can be undocked, can be minized simply by clicking the dock icon (will still continue to play audio when minimized), can be resized..the only thing it lacks is being able to log into my account. I think that might require paying for premium, which I may be inclined to do since it works so well for my needs (mostly like to watch youtube while browsing websites, but opening a separate browser for that and resizing, and staying on top….not so great with a browser)
I havent tried any others as there seem to be a lot with low reviews. But overall, I dont recommend this one.
itsme1234 about
Go for Youtube: Seamless Video